Message By Chairman 

A Message from Director

सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः, सर्वे सन्तु निरामया

सर्वे भद्राणि प्रश्यन्ति, या कश्चिद दुखः भाजनाः

The main cause of evils in society is terrific moral degradation of individual, while world has progressed on material plan. It has degenerated on moral plan. Religion & spiritual values have lost their hold on modern civilisation. Education system has become lopsided; it is imparting knowledge of everything but high moral values.

To start school is an easy job but a big question is how to plan and execute scheme of model education which will inculcate in the students a strong character, qualities to face life and to develop physical mental cultural and spiritual qualities.

School Management is working for over all development of mind, body and spirit and builds personalities of students on these lives in school teachings. Excellent administration is responsible for outstanding qualities and overall development of students.

We, the school society and managing committee thankful to you for entrusting the education of your wards to us. We assure you that we will make all possible efforts to surpass your expectations and provide global education to the students in future. The entire management, by coordination and Cooperation of Parents, well wishers will take TMS towards higher goals of expansion and growth.

Shree Pawan Kumar

M.S.C (geology) 
